Department of Agricultural Marketing & Agri Business

TNIAMP - Purchase of Groundnut Decorticator, Digital Weighing Machine & Moisture Meter - Phase - IV FPOTNSFAC      |     TNIAMP - Procurement of Goods under RFQ/Shopping Procedures Procurement Phase - IV FPOsTNSFAC      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Supply of Primary Processing Machinery for Phase - IV FPCs      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Supply of Computer, Printer, UPS and Furniture for Phase - IV FPCs      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Business Expansion Grant purchase of Value Addition machinery for Phase - III FPCs      |     Request For Expression Of Interest (REoI) For Selection of Consultancy Services to Assess the Performance of Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) Promoted and Supported under TNIAM ProjectTNIAMP      |     Terms of Reference (TOR) for Selection of Consultancy Services to Assess the performance of Farmer Producer Companies (FPC) promoted and supported under TNIAMP in Tamil NaduTNIAMP      |     Neera ApplicationsTNSFAC      |     NMFP Beneficiaries      |     உழவர் உற்பத்தியாளர் நிறுவனங்களின் மதிப்புகூட்டப்பட்ட பொருட்களை நேரடியாக பெற்று பயன் பெறுவீர் !!


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SFAC is an exclusive Society focused on increasing incomes of small and marginal farmers through aggregation and development of agribusiness.

SFAC has pioneered the formation and growth of Farmer Producer Organizations/Farmer Producer Companies, which is now being implemented across the length and breadth of the country. SFAC is progressing towards establishing an eco system for FPOs/FPCs to make them sustainable and viable in the long run.

SFAC offers Schemes like Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme to FPCs to improve availability of working capital and development of business activities.

SFAC promotes development of small agribusiness through its VCA Scheme for value added processing and marketing linkages.

SFAC is also implementing the National Agriculture Market Electronic Trading (e-Nam) platform. The purpose is to provide for a single unified market for agricultural products with much higher price discovery for farmers.