Department of Agricultural Marketing & Agri Business

TNIAMP - Purchase of Groundnut Decorticator, Digital Weighing Machine & Moisture Meter - Phase - IV FPOTNSFAC      |     TNIAMP - Procurement of Goods under RFQ/Shopping Procedures Procurement Phase - IV FPOsTNSFAC      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Supply of Primary Processing Machinery for Phase - IV FPCs      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Supply of Computer, Printer, UPS and Furniture for Phase - IV FPCs      |     TNIAMP - Request for Quotation(E5 Format) Business Expansion Grant purchase of Value Addition machinery for Phase - III FPCs      |     Request For Expression Of Interest (REoI) For Selection of Consultancy Services to Assess the Performance of Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) Promoted and Supported under TNIAM ProjectTNIAMP      |     Terms of Reference (TOR) for Selection of Consultancy Services to Assess the performance of Farmer Producer Companies (FPC) promoted and supported under TNIAMP in Tamil NaduTNIAMP      |     Neera ApplicationsTNSFAC      |     NMFP Beneficiaries      |     உழவர் உற்பத்தியாளர் நிறுவனங்களின் மதிப்புகூட்டப்பட்ட பொருட்களை நேரடியாக பெற்று பயன் பெறுவீர் !!
about us

About Us

Welcome to Department of Agriculture Marketing

The Department of Agricultural Marketing, Tamil Nadu, has been functioning successfully since 1977, with prime objective of Regulating the Marketing of Agricultural produce thereby enriching the lives of the farmers through remunerative price realisations as well as supplying people with quality produce for a healthier life. It has meticulously transfigured since 2001 as Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agri. Business focussing on other activities like Agri Export, Post-Harvest Management, Food Processing, and Agricultural Marketing developmental activities in the wake of the liberalization of the economic policy of the country.

Welcome to Department of Agriculture Marketinge

Department Activities

  • Establishment and maintenance of regulated markets in order to facilitate buying and selling of agricultural produce for the benefit of the farming community.
  • Establishment and maintenance of UzhavarSanthaigal for the benefit of farmers as well as consumers.
  • To create marketing opportunities for small and marginal farmers in cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers by formation of groups this includes production, storing and export through TamilNadu Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (TNSFAC)
  • To create awareness among the farmers about the benefits of marketing their produce through regulated markets by taking up publicity and propaganda.
  • Commercial grading of agricultural produce in the regulated markets and at farm holdings to help the producers to get remunerative price for their produce.
  • To take up Agmark grading of agricultural, animal husbandry and forestry products for the benefit of the consumers.
  • Setting up ofSupply Chain Management for Fruits, Vegetables and other Perishables by promoting export of agricultural produce by increasing the area under exportable crops, providing necessary Post Harvest Management and other infrastructure like Primary Processing Centres, Main markets and information on prices prevailing at international markets as an integrated approach.
  • To set up modern cold storage facilities to enable the farmers to store and sell their produce at favourable price level (Cold chain from farm to market).
  • To promote Food Processing Industries by establishing food processing policy for Tamil Nadu there by helps entrepreneur to take food processing business through creation of infrastructure ,Road facilities, assured raw material supply ,Technical guidance and linking od Domestic and International Markets.
  • Monitoring our officials activities through AMRS and GMS portal.

Our Vision & Misson

The Vision of the Department of Agricultural Marketing &Agri Business is to ensure fair price to the farming community who are left behind in the competitive marketing scenario and the mission of achieving this is by enforcing the existing act and rules most effectively and also by devising, implementing new technologies aimed at reducing pre and Post-Harvest losses through appropriate methods and encourage value addition.